August Goals -Santorini, Greece

Happy August! The month I was patiently anticipated to come, is finally here. On Friday we are leaving for our week-long summer vacation and I am beyond happy. Our bags are almost packed and I have booked a hair appointment for tomorrow to trim and touch up my hair color. Anyway, moving on. Here’s my month mapped out for you… 


  • Relax for a week. As I mentioned above, we are living on Friday for our summer vacation on the island of Kithira and I am looking forward to some down relaxing time. Lots of quality time with my fiancé, some exploring, daily visits to the beach, long naps, reading, good food, and wine. All in all relaxing without having to work or think about work for a week.
  • Travel back home for a few days for some family time. There are some thoughts of visiting my family for a few days after returning from our summer vacation. I really would love to spend some time with my mother and brother but also take advantage of the summer days and visit nearby beaches and picturesque villages. Back to back traveling, count me in!
  • Brainstorm new ideas for the blog. Come Septemeber, I want to create some new posts for the blog, try new things and in general mix things up. Currently, I am working on scheduling posts for the next four weeks, in order to have more time to brainstorm new ideas for the blog. I am always open to hearing your suggestions on what you would like to see more on the blog, just leave me a comment.
  • Read half the books from my summer reading list. I have already finished two books from my summer reading list, Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn and Paris, My Sweet: A Year in the City of Light by Amy Thomas. Both were fun to read and real page turners. My goal is to read another seven by the end of August. I will keep you posted.