Ten Fun Things to Do in August - Organize your closet

August is all about relaxing and doing some light prep work for September ahead. I love this time of year for it’s slower pace, in fact, I’d be pretty happy in a permanent August situation, despite the heat. Unfortunately, we only get 31 days, so it’s time to get real about how to make the most of it. Here are ten delightfully lazy ideas to inspire a relaxed, dreamy August. Stay cool, everyone.


Ten Fun Things to Do in August - Head to the beach.

One. Head to the beach. But get there before everyone else. If you live near the beach, head down early in the morning or as the evening sunsets. If you need to make a car journey, getting up early is so worth it to avoid the crowds and claim your spot.

Ten Fun Things to Do in August - Go to a museum

Two. Go to a museum. Wander the halls and attempt to understand modern art with no one else around to impress.

Ten Fun Things to Do in August - Dawson’s Creek

Three. Watch back to back episodes of Dawson’s Creek – it has the perfect summer nostalgic waterside vibe. Mind you, I would tell you it has the perfect vibe whatever the month we were in!

Ten Fun Things to Do in August - Organize your closet

Four. Organize your closet. Donate anything you haven’t worn in the last six months and find a place for any forgotten jewelry, shoes, and miscellaneous objects.

Ten Fun Things to Do in August - Work on your tan indoors

Five. Work on your tan indoors.

Ten Fun Things to Do in August - Take a walk around your neighborhood

Six. Take a walk around your neighborhood. You can put on a fun playlist or simply listen to the sounds of the street.

Ten Fun Things to Do in August - Enroll in a class

Seven. Enroll in a class. Whether you’re interested in photography, ceramics, painting, writing, cooking, graphic design, or anything in between, there’s likely a local class you can take to hone your craft and meet like-minded people.

Ten Fun Things to Do in August - Increase your daily water intake

Eight. Increase your daily water intake by adding different fruits or herbs to a jug of iced water. Some combinations you will love are cucumber and mint, strawberries and mint and berries and basil.

Ten Fun Things to Do in August - Make a list of things you want to accomplish

Nine. Make a list of things you want to accomplish. Just because it’s not January doesn’t mean you can’t reflect on your goals.

Ten Fun Things to Do in August - Stay home and indulge in a few guilty pleasures

Ten. Stay home and indulge in a few guilty pleasures. Walk around in your underwear, eat your favorite foods, read a book, catch up on your current TV obsession, write in your journal—do all the things you forget to do when you’re too busy spending time with other people.

image source: @saasha_burns